Evangelistic Outreaches

Under the cue OUTREACH we are organising different outreaches this year where young Christians can get to know the OAC way of preaching the Gospel. They are tremendous useful for making thrilling experiences with Jesus. And a chance for the participants to see if God wants them in full time ministry.
For all outreaches German language is essential.

We warmly invite you to the following outreaches:

Outreach at camping site "Ulmbachtal dam":
The focus of this ministry is the organisation of missionary programmes for children and families at a camping site. We as team will live in tents and caravans on the camping site. Participants should join our team at least for one week.
Klicke here!


Outreach at Lake Balaton (Hungary):
At programs for children on camping sites and open airs on the beach promenades we want to tell the Gospel to the tourists and natives with a Hungarian/German team.

We will live in a vacation house in Balatonszemes at the southern shore of Lake Balaton.
Klick here!

Reach The City Köln Straßeneinsatz
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